HP Latex Print

As we enter into the era of digital evolution, many of our clients look for sustainable and eco-friendly products. Print solutions, Bangalore at Prismhue, provides the perfect choice that can be used on signage, wallpapers, banners and vinyl. Being inherently waterproof, they are one of the most popular options for outdoor hoarding especially with their ability to weather, it is heralded as one of the most sustainable solutions.
Print solutions at Bangalore are not only eco-friendly but is a popular material to work with too. It can be printed on both coated and uncoated materials. They also do not need to be laminated. They are known to survive for years without additional lamination.
Prismhue providing print solutions at Bangalore does justice to the design mainly due to the latex ink being the carrier of the colour pigments, the contrasts and overall results are just as expected. Apt for indoor uses, this print is also, odourless and non-combustible. Our team adept at handling the latex print have a long list of projects under their belt.